Fama in the Visiona project, which analyses the user experience in restoration.


Visiona is a project led by the Foodservice Cluster, which uses artificial vision and artificial intelligence to analyse consumers' emotions to improve efficiency and service in the restoration industry.

The VISIONA project has been funded with the help of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism for Innovative Business Associations and has worked with 4.0 technologies to enhance customer and restaurant staff satisfaction, identifying bottlenecks, and creating promotions during off-peak hours.

The following entities participated in this project: AEI Ambit, Goli Neuromarketing, Meritem, Fama Sofas, and AEI Clúster Foodservice, with the goal of implementing artificial vision technology in a physical location, such as La Cuina de Laietana, and later adapting the furniture to improve aspects that were less satisfactory according to the analysis.

The Mili&Lalo chairs were part of the project to analyse users' emotions when sitting on comfortable chairs compared to more rigid ones. During the analysis, 28 types of metrics were taken into account, with 41 emotions observed on both floors of the restaurant, leading to proposed changes and promotions to enhance the user experience.

This project has allowed an objective assessment of customer satisfaction through the use of 4.0 technologies, eliminating the need to request customer feedback through other formats such as surveys.

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