Armchairs for people with backpain

Do you suffer from backpain? If so, keep reading, you will be interested in this article

There is a great percentage of people who have back problems to a greater or lower level. Fama has always worked to design ergonomic products that can cover the needs of our customers as well as offering solutions to this type of problems.

There is not greater satisfaction for us than findind out that some Fama products have changed the lives of customers with serious back problems.

En algunos casos se han dado divertidas anécdotas que ponen en relieve la importancia de la salud en el diseño de nuestros sofás y sillones. En otros, hemos podido comprobar cómo en muchas familias nuestros diseños han contribuido a crear nuevos espacios de charlas que habían desaparecido.

It may seem like an exaggeration, but we have seen how some of our armchairs have helped many people who suffer form back or cervical pain.

There is a high percentage of people who suffer from chronic back pain. Unfortunately, as we get older, it is more likely that we will have some back problems.

Armchairs such as Avalon, Adan, Eva, Kim or Moonrise have a design and construction that allows a complete and comfortable support of the lumbar area, back, neck and head, helping the body to rest completely in a correct position, relieving muscular pain.

In addition, those recliner armchairs allow us to lift our feet up a bit more than 90%. Users can operate the recliner reaching a position where they can be nearly laying like they were on a bed.


“I just had a back operation; I could not sit anywhere. I could only rest when lying in bed, but I would be very uncomfortable after a while. I purchased an Adan armchair for my home, and it is a different story. It has changed my life”.

“I had a herniated disc and couldn’t sit down even to eat, I could only stand. It was impossible for me to sit anywhere, my back was in terrible condition…”

A customer, who had an Moonrise armchair, told us she was able to have full night sleeps in her last months before giving birth. Her bump was too big to rest in bed, but the Moonrise armchair allowed her to lie on her back just like when she was in bed, but a bit up so it could release the pressure in the bump.

“I slept in the armchair so many nights while I was pregnant, but when I had the baby too. the chair has saved me from many sleepless nights”.


The most comfortable chair in the market

Mili&Lalo, we can affirm that they are, perhaps, the most comfortable chairs in the market. There are many users with serious back problems who could not sit, not even to eat. However, they have been able to do it on these chairs.

The seat is not a board like many other chairs. They have NEA webbing (the same webbing we use for the rest of our sofas). Combined with their flexible back, this makes the chairs amazingly comfortable. It embraces your back allowing you to sit comfortably even if they have serious back problems.

“After-meal chats are much longer since we have the new Mili&Lalo chairs. Visitors are so comfortable that they do not want to go back to their homes”

Before we had our Mili&Lalo chairs, everyone would go straight to the sofa or their bedrooms after finishing a meal. Our aftermeal chats are the best part of the day now. We can spend hours seating and chatting on our Mili&Lalo chairs”.

Another funny anecdote happened when a customer purchased some Mili&Lalo for her mother, who was in her 90s. She told us that her mother was so happy with the chairs that every time she was eating at hers, she had to take one of the chairs with her.

A few years ago, the packaging and truck loading section had the most physiotherapy treatments, but after the use of new devices designed by our office, it became the section with the least treatments received.

The office, the department where injuries are more likely to happen.

After overcoming injuries in this department, we found that the section that now topped the ranking was the Office. We already used various specialised chairs, but they did not meet the demands of the majority of the staff. That is why we decided to design our own chair, taking into account ergonomics and all the requirements demanded by the people in the department. For a year, we observed the usage habits of almost fifty users, ranging from 155 cm to 195 cm in height, and weighing from 47 to 110 kgs.


The best office chair for your health

Based on the information collected by the physiotherapy system established in the company, we analyse the data of all sessions conducted monthly according to the type of injury and the job position.

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