Presentation of Grupo Contract from the Leading Brands of Spain Forum.

Last September 21 took place the presentation of the Grupo Contract from the Leading Brands of Spain Forum at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid. The act served to the coming-out of this group of companies from the Forum, which are leaders in each sector and related to contract. Arco, DAS, Fama, Fermax, Kalam, Keraben, Levantina, Roca and Simon are the brands that form this great group with a global presence in over 150 countries.
During the ceremony, the architect Rafael de La Hoz gave an interesting speech about some of his works and projects, and exposed interesting reflections about the present and future of architecture and equipment in Spain, a sector in which we have become a leading country in the last years thanks to the talent of our professionals and to the internationalization.  

In the course of the day, some Networking jobs in the form of “Lego” plays were carried out and served to strengthen ties and establish links between the different companies and their guests, including architects, specifiers and other professionals of the Contract sector. Our colleague Mariluz Polo made a particular living room with pieces of "Lego" and Jose Angel Mayor managed to create original cocktails where he could demonstrate his great skill with the wrist movement.  


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