Fama, host of the "Competitive Differentiation Program for CEOs."


Fama has been the host of the latest session of the "Competitive Differentiation Program for CEOs," which is part of the "Brand & Innovation" program—an intensive learning experience that provides CEOs with key tools to activate branding and reputation, innovation and design as driving forces for competitiveness, differentiation, and long-term value generation. Brand & Innovation is driven by the Renowned Brands of Spain Forum (Foro de Marcas Renombradas Españolas), ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM), with the academic collaboration from ESIC Business and Marketing School.

With the attendance of CEOs and representatives from 18 companies, the intense session began with an introduction by Tamara Pirojkova, Marketing Director of the Renowned Brands of Spain Forum, followed by a speech by Félix López, OCHP of Fama Sofas. In a friendly atmosphere, Felix was able to share with the attendees Fama's experience throughout the years—how the company has placed people as its main asset, emphasised innovation, technology, and sustainability, achieved profitability through these policies, and above all, enhanced the brand and the company's image. The talk ended with active participation in the Q&A section, where Felix addressed various questions before leading the attendees on a factory tour to showcase the new facilities and the production process, concluding with a visit to the 50th Anniversary Museum.

The session continued with a group dynamics titled "Adapt or Perish: Ready to Compete," in which coach-trainer Xefa Lousa helped the participants reflect on the differences between what CEOs and executives expect from their staff and, conversely, what the staff expects from their executives. The session concluded with Carlos Victor Costa, Academic Director of ESIC, who presented some reflections on present and future management practices, focusing on Fama Sofas as an example of good business practices. Following the academic segment, the attendees enjoyed an excellent meal at the Mirador de Fama, marking the end of the enriching session.

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